How to Insert a Flash Video Into Html

January 9, 2013 by  
Filed under Technology

To insert a flash video into html, you use the same process that has been used to put any audio or video files into html, you have to use the html tag “object.” First you put the html file and the flash file in the same directory on your computer. You must then change two items in your html file. Item one is the “value” or the specific name of the flash file and the second item is the “src” or the width and height of your flash video. These are added into the code as — value=nameoffile.swf (as flash files are in the .swf format) and the src is added as width=”numberofwidth” height=”numberofheight” If you wish, Macromedia has a section in the program that will code all this for you. Go to the flash program and under file click publish and the program will lead you through it. This will publish it on a blank page. To add the video into your website, you will want to use an editing program like Macromedia Dreamweaver or Microsoft FrontPage and insert your .swf file right into your web pages.

Flash Video Into Html

That way the flash video will have all the other standard graphics of your pages so that the website has a seamless look. Either way, your flash video gets inserted into html.

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