FibreTrim Review

August 18, 2010 by  
Filed under Weight Loss

There are so many products in the market for weight loss. The market place is just filled with product that claims to help you get rid of that extra weight that you carry around. Almost every one of them comes with a money back guarantee but yet how can they do that when so many do not work. The companies’ bank on the fact that you will blame yourself that you will believe that because it did not work for you then you must be weak willed. That is not the case at all. You might have seen the literature that “proves” that it works but much of that can not be taken at face value. What you really read was that one ingredient did one thing and then another ingredient did something else. They then take the results, add them together and claim that is what their product does. FibreTrim is an amazing product.

You just plain eat less

You drink it before lunch and you eat less because you fill fuller sooner and you eat more of what you should. You will tend to avoid fatty food and sweets. This will allow you a realistic lowering of calories but not interfere with your health. This means that the Zotein formulation is not only an effective way to diet but a healthy way to diet.

So, what is in this Zotrin formulation that makes it so special? It is a blend of Yerbe Mate, a Guraua extract, Daniana, and a special extract from chicory, Inulin. Working together, the are the ingredients that will help you lose weight effectively and safely.

Yerbe Mate is found in Argentina where it has been used as a tea but it also has other uses. It works to decrease appetite and the added benefit of reducing your serum cholesterol levels. The fact that it was consumed as a tea is rather ironic as it has the same levels of antioxidants that green tea. Guarana is an interesting herb in it’s roll in your weight loss. It was added because of it’s high levels of caffeine. Why would you want that? This type of caffeine is different than you are used to. Most caffeines affect the nervous system. This one does not, it just cause muscles to burn fat faster. Daniana is also a stimulant, just another type.

Lastly we have Inulin

It is a rich source of fiber and helps your body absorb what it needs. These might be the sugars you need for energy or the calcium you need for strong bones. It even works as a pro-biotic and therefore keeping your intestines healthy. It is a safe and proven aide to helping you lose weight. If you have tried other and not seen the results you want it is time for FibreTrim. You might have seen the literature that “proves” that it works but much of that can not be taken at face value. What you really read was that one ingredient did one thing and then another ingredient did something else. They then take the results, add them together and claim that is what their product does. FibreTrim is an amazing product.

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